Mini-ster of sound
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The BAMSTER XS is Teufel Audio’s smallest speaker and easily outplays all others its size. With the BAMSTER XS at your side (or attached to your belt loop, or stashed in your pocket or thrown in your bag, etc.), you'll never be without good, clear sound.
Not much larger than a smartphone, the BAMSTER XS is just as practical. Take it with you everywhere you go. The mini-speaker’s low weight and slender form was designed to fit in the palm of your hand and the pocket of your jeans.
For a small speaker, the BAMSTER XS comes equipped with a high-performance battery. This lets the little sonic wonder play up to 14 hours at mid-volume levels. The speaker also fully charges in just two hours.
Powerful sound that fits in your pocket. From hiking in the Scottish highlands to apéro by the Seine - the BAMSTER XS is an ideal travel buddy and will always keep you entertained.
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